Personal Update

easter or ether.

13 April, 2004 (00:19) | Personal Update

So this weekend was killer.  just not killer enough.  and you can take that either way.

I just don’t get it sometimes.  “It” being how we are are supposed to live.  It all just seems so pointless.  Why do i have to work? why do i have to go to school?  why do i need money?  aren’t we all just prolonging the inevitable?  Are all the tasks and responsibilities we undertake supposed to be important to us?  or make us happy?  I don’t know how people can bumble around their days oblivious to the haunting reality that they mean nothing.  Maybe to themselves, maybe to others around them, but at what point is that not enough?  at what point is it too much to handle?  I wish my mom saved the receipt for my life.  Then atleast i could take it back to the store and exchange it for one with an instruction manual.

So congrats to J’aime and Dan for closing on their new house!!!  hopefully i will be helping them move in this saturday, and i will take lots of pics, if that is alright with them.  I really don’t use my camera enough.  Saturday we are also supposed to go to a midnight summer’s dream down town.  that should be fun.  it would be better if deirdre was going.  oh what’s that?  i have another sister too?  who knew.

And in response to my personal woes of and with the effeminate race, i have found a way to make it easier.  Just read this simple how-to guide.


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Comment from leuco
Time April 13, 2004 at 2:27 pm

You have your instruction book.  I gave it to you for Christmas.
Don’t complain that it’s not specific enough.  Remember what Mrs. Sofran said:  “Josh doesn’t like to follow instructions.  He enjoys being creative.”
You wouldn’t want to follow an instruction book that was any more detailed.  You’d find it too boring.  Dedicate your life to seeking out what it is that God wants you to do.  That’s your purpose.  To seek and do God’s will. 

Comment from leuco
Time April 13, 2004 at 2:27 pm

You have your instruction book.  I gave it to you for Christmas.

Don’t complain that it’s not specific enough.  Remember what Mrs. Sofran said:  “Josh doesn’t like to follow instructions.  He enjoys being creative.”

You wouldn’t want to follow an instruction book that was any more detailed.  You’d find it too boring.  Dedicate your life to seeking out what it is that God wants you to do.  That’s your purpose.  To seek and do God’s will.