Personal Update


2 June, 2004 (22:27) | Personal Update

well, i got the AC job.  Barb hooked me up with Mellon though, I am hoping to get an interview with them next week sometime.  I talked with AC, and they said they are fine with me trying to get the mellon thing before taking the job.

Jimmie’s Chicken Shack doesn’t have an email mailing list.  So, since the website and all that are fan driven now that they left their label, I set up an email list for them.  Hopefully that will catch on and prove to be a successful way to promote the band.  I am talking with the guy who runs now, to work out the domain name thing.  I feel important!

going in to touchtown friday to cover for pete.  that should be interesting.  Tomorrow i am on call all day for the same reason.  I could use the extra money i suppose.  Especially with mike being a queer.  read the forum message for more on that.

With all the hate going on right now, i thought i would post a thing of beauty and rarity.  This is a site that has pictures of the sun’s green flash.  Apparently it is a hard thing to capture, let alone see with the naked eye.


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Comment from leuco
Time June 3, 2004 at 9:18 am

Congrats on the job.  Did negotiate a decent wage, or did you have to accept work study wages?

Comment from leuco
Time June 3, 2004 at 9:18 am

Congrats on the job.  Did negotiate a decent wage, or did you have to accept work study wages?