
‘Tis the season…to rob banks?

2 January, 2008 (13:55) | Pittsburgh

What the heck is up with all the bank robberies in the pittsburgh area recently?!?!  HOLY CRAP.  I think since they filmed that FX movie with Donny Wahlberg about a bank robbery in the city, there have been nearly a dozen.  It’s ridiculous.  You’d think after the first couple that other banks would be thinking, "hmmm, maybe we should invest in better security."  I bet people who are desparate enough to rob a bank right now are thinking, "Wow, if that many people can rob a bank and get away with it, maybe I can."  It’s dumbfounding how so many are going on.  Let me try and count all the headlines…

  1. January 2nd – South Side – http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/08002/846067-100.stm?cmpid=news.xml
  2. December 27th – North Huntington – http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/07362/844932-59.stm
  3. December 20th – Somerset – http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/07356/843754-56.stm
  4. December 13th – Latrobe – http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/07348/841713-100.stm
  5. December 13th – West Mifflin – http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/07347/841489-100.stm
  6. December 12th – Neshannock – http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/07348/841615-54.stm
  7. December 11th – Morningside – http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/07345/840783-100.stm
  8. December 10th – West Newton – http://www.pittsburghlive.com/x/valleyindependent/news/s_543194.html

There were a few convenient store robberies as well.  Is this just the holiday season or what?  I just don’t understand how these people are robbing these banks.