Tag: dead

and when you die, you’re dead.

8 April, 2010 (12:00) | Thoughts & Ideas

Are there more people alive right now then people that have ever died?  What’s your first thought?  I want to say that there are more dead people, but I’m not sure how to figure this out, or the best possible way to make an educated guess. According to census.gov, there are 6,812,935,148 people alive today.  So […]

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Infinite resources

11 January, 2009 (22:34) | Thoughts & Ideas

Taking the thoughts of this old post (talks about keeping buried bodies from decomposing naturally and feeding new growth) a little bit further, I was thinking about the space that bodies and graveyards are consuming.  Certainly with huge population growths, cemeteries have to be filling up, and you don’t build up, you build out.  So, if […]

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Words can never hurt me.

2 December, 2008 (11:07) | Memorable Quotes

"That for which we find words is something already dead in our hearts. There is always a kind of contempt in the act of speaking." – Nietzsche

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