Tag: gross

Hall’s Rule of Social Order #30

22 October, 2012 (12:00) | Hall's Rules of Social Order

Carpets do not belong in bathrooms.   That’s just nasty.

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Hall’s Rule of Social Order #268

27 December, 2010 (12:00) | Hall's Rules of Social Order

Men should never kiss men.  There are no exceptions.  It doesn’t matter the situation, the place being kissed, or how well they know each other.  No, not even the pope.

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Tell your mom to stop calling me trash

8 September, 2010 (12:00) | Ramblings

WTF is up with trash bag sizing?  Why can’t we have standards here?  My whole life, I’ve struggled with the trash bag being too small and falling into the can, and then all the grossness builds up as it falls between the bag and wall and to the bottom of the can.  Either that, or […]

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I want to sink to the bottom with you

16 July, 2010 (11:18) | Poll the People

I was staying in a hotel with Kallie’s family, and I went over to the other room where everyone was.  As soon as I walked through the door, Wally prompted me to answer this question.  I paused, half defeated.  I thought I was in an unfair position due to my freshman dorm experience at Pitt.  […]

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