| Lots of news today |
crazy week. work is going well, i only got 2 phone calls in the past 2 weeks, and i get $75 a week, so this new arrangement is working out well *rubs hands with evil grin*
working on a new website with a guy named Pete from Pitt. it is for a youthgroup on campus. i bought the domain name wednesday Cornerstone220.org, the 2:20 comes from Ephesians, where it says that we are church and Jesus will be the Cornerstone. (hey, cornerstone.org was taken;))
i am also trying to donate my body to the research of depression:) more on that next week.
saw matrix revolutions in IMAX yesterday with Becky. eh. i can accept it as the final matrix movie ever, it answered all the questions, but it was just so watered down.
Birthday is coming up on the 16th…the big 21. will i drink?? stay tuned….