Personal Update

Visitors from the great unknown

3 December, 2003 (23:21) | Personal Update

J’aime and Dan slept over my house tonight since they were visiting Dan’s mom with her surgery. So far everything seems to have gone well, no signs of paralysis as they had feared.

well, i am officially the “tech leader” for Cornerstone now. Should be cool. I have no idea what my responsibilities are yet, but hey, i get a title. Nothing cooler than that. 🙂 So i will be doing something extra with Cornerstone as well as working on the website. And trying to meet new people too.

Christmas is coming up, and i have no clue what to get anyone. Not a friggin clue. suggestions people??

My mood has been pretty good, haven’t really done anything though. But i am happy about that! Touchtown is going well, Helpdesk is going well, there are like 4 christmas parties i should attend, probably won’t go to any though:- we’ll see. Not too much else to write about, even though i feel like i could write all night…


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Comment from Heavy_Equipment
Time December 4, 2003 at 7:44 pm

Congrats on the title big guy..

I bet it’s “Mr. Hall” to me now. 😛

Comment from Heavy_Equipment
Time December 4, 2003 at 7:44 pm

Congrats on the title big guy..

I bet it’s “Mr. Hall” to me now. 😛

Comment from sixf00t4
Time December 4, 2003 at 8:02 pm

ha, thanks. no mr though, i don’t have any responsibilities as of yet. just Josh for now will do:)

Comment from sixf00t4
Time December 4, 2003 at 8:02 pm

ha, thanks. no mr though, i don’t have any responsibilities as of yet. just Josh for now will do:)