Thoughts & Ideas

a better way of typing, but we don’t want to use it

24 December, 2003 (15:15) | Thoughts & Ideas

the keyboard layout that people use today is called “QWERTY” but it is not the most efficient layout that has been used, just the most popular. The Dvorak keyboard layout has many advantages over it, people see speed and accuracy increases, and less pain when using the keyboard. This isn’t a new idea though, it is acutally quite an old layout, but people didn’t want to learn something new, and manufactures couldn’t profit from something they couldn’t sell. So why don’t we use the Dvorak layout? I don’t know. It is similar situation to the Metric vs. English measurement system. We are just too lazy too make the switch. You can read more about the Dvorak layout here.


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Comment from leuco
Time December 25, 2003 at 9:28 pm

Remind me to show you a booklet I have about that next time you’re in.

LOTR was very good. Where are you? See you Sat. Morning.

Comment from leuco
Time December 25, 2003 at 9:28 pm

Remind me to show you a booklet I have about that next time you’re in.

LOTR was very good. Where are you? See you Sat. Morning.