Personal Update

internet, internet, every where.

17 December, 2003 (23:04) | Personal Update

Woo hoo! got a Linksys Wireless G router for the apartment, so now i can access the internet anywhere in the apartment with my laptop, as Adam suggested, yes, even on the can. 🙂

Got some Christmas shopping done today. I looked for Waking Life on DVD, but couldn’t find it at best buy. I also got some things taken care of with the car, shopped around with Becky, and ate at the Olive Garden. besides that, just sitting here at work. I am going to get a big pay check…at the end of January. I hate how we only get paid once a month, and it was for the previous month’s work. that is lame.

I am working on the quote error in the forums, looks like it might be due to the gallery. looks like i am the first one to report it, but a few others are having the problem now too. So i didnt do it! it is a bug! still sucks though:(

my dreams have been so lucid recently. I love it. They are so real, and so detailed, and that alone puts me in a wonderful mood. I am thinking about starting yet another topic, and calling it dreams, and posting my dreams up. like a dream journal. the problem with that is i would need to write it out in the mornings right afterward. I used to write down all my dreams, as proof for deja vus, so i would like to start that back up again. Any input?


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Comment from leuco
Time December 25, 2003 at 9:25 pm

Use your new leather journal for your dreams.

Comment from leuco
Time December 25, 2003 at 9:25 pm

Use your new leather journal for your dreams.