| …oops:) |
Well to start off, sorry for breaking the site back there 🙂 everything should be operational now. let me know if you have any problems.
Yesterday i was lazy. just bummed around the apartment until Becky called, and then we went out to Red Lobster and to see Cat in the Hat. I was in the mood for sea food, and I just got paid, so i decided to splurge on some lobster and crab…mmmmm.
Cat in the hat wasn’t too bad at all. I enjoyed it. There were some dull and meaningless moments, but it certainly isn’t as bad as the critics are making it out to be. I would recommend it.
Broke a string on my acoustic:( I dunno when i am going to get a new string. but that sure puts a damper on any recording i was going to do with it.
on a seperate note, you can check out my webpage statistics at Stats.footcomputers.com, it is cool to see what people have searched for on google to find me:)
Christmas is coming fast, What do you want? I have no clue what to get for anybody still. Good luck on finals everyone and see you over break!