Personal Update

have i mentioned it is cold?

31 January, 2004 (00:06) | Personal Update

no really, it is cold. in the negatives now. and snow and slush everywhere. but i will manage.

got some work done on this site and Cornerstone’s site tonight. felt pretty good about that. Cornerstone is going really well, after cornerstone Wednesday, i went out to La Fiesta with a few friends from there. Hope to continue stuff like that. I am going to Jubilee in a few weeks, that should be entertaining…or not. not sure what to expect from that. I am signed up for the technology and philosophy sessions. i’ll let you know how that goes.

other than that, just keeping busy with all kinds of miscellaneous crap like usual. My mass comm teacher is awesome,and i think i earned some brownie points with her by recommending Waking Life for her dissertation which is on digital animation. I am also going to help her with her website for all her classes. I really like her. i hope to do well in that class. I am also thinking about double majoring in philosophy and communication. they are similar, and i dont think it will take any longer to graduate really. we’ll see. Stay warm!