Personal Update

it’s been a while

3 January, 2004 (19:28) | Personal Update

Sorry i haven’t posted since last year πŸ˜‰ it was a very fun new years, i called off work, becky came over and we made some awesome chicken. i bought a bottle of champagne and i drank the whole thing. πŸ˜‰

i had tried to submit an update on friday at home, but the computer just restarted itself out of no where for some odd reason, so i lost all that i typed about getting ready for the weekend retreat, and since i just got back from it, i will tell you how it was.

awesome. except i was sick πŸ™ really got to interact with a lot of gerat people, and i have a very enthusiastic attitude about this ministry and my role in it. I am pushing the website,, and hopefully people will submit lots of pictures from the weekend and hang around for a bit.

so school starts monday. ick. i dont even know my schedule yet. all i can remember is a russian fairy tales class, a orthodox christianity class, some roman or greek history class, and then i think a mass media class. not sure about that. once i get my stuff together i will let you all know, because i know you are all dying to find out. πŸ™‚

other than that, it’s been pretty good, wish me luck this semester, hope i get better by monday (doubt it) and thanks for stopping by!

and btw, it was non-alcoholic champagne πŸ˜€


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