Personal Update

Saturday Night

8 February, 2004 (12:24) | Personal Update

We ended up meeting with the Roselius family yesterday, even though both of us were short a few siblings, and we weren’t all together for that long, it was still a good time, and openned the door for more events and get togethers in the future.

Touchtown is getting pretty busy. I am getting 2 or 3 calls a day, looks like the advertising, and virtual ISP business is starting to pay off. good good.

I am going to be reading some of my poetry this friday infront of some people, if anyone is bored, read some poems in the download section, and tell me which ones you think are the best.

Chad and Scott are talking about getting an apartment, and asked if i was interested. So today i am going to go check out the apartment with them. they said it is on 5th avenue, which probably means a lot closer to campus, and right on the main bus line. we will see how the apartment looks.

Finger Eleven concert tuesday!!! I am so pumped. man i love that band. and for them to come to town 2 times in 6 months is just awesome. I would have their babies.

so much to do…ugh. homework sucks. and mass comm has homework due everyweek and a quiz every week. i might have to skip out on the jam session tomaro night to study for my orth. Christ. test tuesday :- gotta do what ya gotta do. laterz.


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