| What sirens? |
[ugh] I got pulled over for speeding today on 51. I don’t know how fast I was going, and neither does the cop. What I do know though, was I was not alone, i was in traffic, i was just keeping pace with the truck infront of me, i was in the left lane. When he made his way behind me, i had a hard time getting into the right lane, i had been in the left lane the whole time, and never passed anyone, so i guess it was just my luck. I did get off with a warning though. Chris’ insurance card was expired too. And when he asked me why i was in such a hurry, i told him i was going to be late for work, which i was 15 minutes late. And that was because Chris needed to be picked up and dropped off at the dealership for the van. Guess i should have not been such a nice guy and let him walk down to the dealership :-
I got Peter, who works on the cornerstone site with me, a job at Touchtown. Marc is leaving, and so i told Peter to send in his resume. So hopefully he will not make a liar out of me 🙂
went to the international car show last night with becky. took some pictures and put them in the gallery.
so this weekend i am watching dante while my mom and chris go down to DC and hang out there. Fun fun.