Personal Update


27 February, 2004 (01:01) | Personal Update

so i saw the passion wednesday night. as i am sure you have heard by now, it is very powerful. and that is really all i have, and want to say about it.

i was looking through my logs for my webpage, and today, at around 2, i had a visitor that was on EMI’s network. EMI being the music industry. I, ofcourse, have an uneasy feeling about that, but i have nothing to hide. I am guessing they found my site from the DJ DangerMouse thread i started about jay z and the beatles. who ever it was, thanks for stopping by, and let me know if there is anything i can help you with.

feeling really proud to have my globe*trotter module posted on sourceforge. how awesome is that??? people from all over the world are going to download something i created. just awesome.

jubillee this weekend. i have no idea what to expect, all i know is i get off work friday. and i am cool with that.

for the past week i have been having really bad dizzy spells. kinda like the feeling you get when you stand up too fast. but i am getting them just sitting down, or walking down the sidewalk, or talking to someone. and i am getting tingling feelings in my left foot, and in my face. this is definitely not a good thing. just started this week, and has been consisitent throughout everyday this week. I tried sleeping more, sleeping less, eating more, eatting less, eating sugars, eating starch, drinking water, and nothing has changed. i am going to see a doctor. i think i have diabetes.

I am not sure of the desired publicity of this, so i will keep aninimity, but a close friend’s mom is going through some medical problems right now. they fear breast cancer, or other lymphatic cancer. please keep her in your prayers.

upload some jokes, think about my thought below, and please respond if you like, check out andy’s pictures, play some games, post some stuff in the forum, or just leave me a message saying hi. Thank you all for stopping by, it really does make my life worth living.


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