| home again, home again jiggity jig. |
my mom and tirza picked me up from work at 2 am saturday to bring me home. I wanted to go to cleveland this weekend, but no one wanted to go with me. 🙁 i feel crappy about working everyday over break and not going anywhere, and i had sunday off, so i thought cleveland would be a great weekend getaway. apparently others didnt think so:(
all my sisters were together for a little bit this weekend. not too often that happens. J’aime and Dan are trying to get a house in washington. should know by tomaro what is going on with that. speaking about tomaro, i am going down to Wheeling to see if i have any cavities, and if i do, dan is going to do something to them. i havent seen a dentist in like 6 years. I hate dr. birch…
serah, jaime, dan, tirza, and my mom and i went to the mattress factory saturday! rock on! the mattress factory rocks my face off. James turrell rocks my face off. if anyone wants to go, let me know!!
pretty uneventful weekend besides that, called over Adam’s today to see if he wanted to jam, but ended up getting the 3rd degree from foxy roxy for being truent a few weeks ago:) adam had gone down to DC to hang out with brady. he was in the same boat as i was about break. he wanted to go to Rock and roll hall of fame in cleveland to see the U2 exhibit, but we did some surfing on the site and found it wasnt there any longer. so there went that idea. so this week i got work 4-12 every night. gotta makes some money. i wrote a check for $1,000 to my mom the other day. how cool is that. i can write checks for a grand. totally cool. Keep Bob’s mom in your prayers.