Personal Update

i drank a six pack of apathy.

29 March, 2004 (14:33) | Personal Update

What a drag this weekend was.  Drew bailed, said it was too far to drive.  So i didn’t even bother calling bob.  I had invited Keren and Deirdre in to go to a concert on campus where soulpatch was playing, and they ended up going to Robinson Mall to look for dresses with my mom and chris….crap, i just spilled juice all over my CDs…i knew i kept them in cases for a reason.

sorry, lost my train of thought…cut my hair today.  Next time i go to wally mart i plan on getting some hair treatment stuff, the people have spoken:) 

going to clean my room today.  maybe if i am lucky, i will go for a run too.  see how the day goes.  i got a few people interested in coding for the dragon game, hopefully they will be able to contribute some code.  that is exiting.

Tomorrow is Adrienne’s birthday, and she invited me to go out with her and her friends to celebrate.  I have to catch a Westmoreland bus downtown, but i am going to try and get out.  should be an experience no matter what happens:)  She is turning 21, so I am sure i am up for some bars and drinking and such.  Let’s see how I can handle my own. 🙂

hmmm, pizza is done, i gotta go get it.  Today i leave you with a link that Katherine shared with me.  If you saw the Grey album Jay-Z/beatles mix, then you will love this.