
mexican hairless

23 March, 2004 (04:09) | Ramblings

my hair is falling out.  the top of my head is thinning.  the sides are still full and growing.  ‘ts bad.  I am a 40 year old.  beer gut and man boobs to match.  notice the new survey.


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Comment from Heavy_Equipment
Time March 23, 2004 at 8:01 pm

I feel your pain. I almost always wear a hat now.
I’m kind of having one last hurrah with my hair. I’m months over due for a hair cut, and it’s all shaggy, but it’s been years since I have worn more than a 1/2 inch of hair.
My dad has an ‘island’ of hair, right above his forehead. His receding hairline, and balding crown have merged, but left this island.
I’m gonna get it too, I can see it forming. I have a full head of hair on top, but my receding hairline is starting to creep way up at the sides now. Poop.
Yo querro Taco Bell? πŸ™‚

Comment from Heavy_Equipment
Time March 23, 2004 at 8:01 pm

I feel your pain. I almost always wear a hat now.

I’m kind of having one last hurrah with my hair. I’m months over due for a hair cut, and it’s all shaggy, but it’s been years since I have worn more than a 1/2 inch of hair.

My dad has an ‘island’ of hair, right above his forehead. His receding hairline, and balding crown have merged, but left this island.

I’m gonna get it too, I can see it forming. I have a full head of hair on top, but my receding hairline is starting to creep way up at the sides now. Poop.


Yo querro Taco Bell? πŸ™‚

Comment from sixf00t4
Time March 24, 2004 at 12:57 am

so was you vote yes or no?  πŸ™‚
yeah, my sister Keren said i should grow it out long.  So i am half attempting to do that now.  IT is like 4 inches long on the sides, and 3 inches on the top and thin.  it’s bad.  I dont think i can bare to let it grow any longer, i think it makes it look worse the longer it is.

Comment from sixf00t4
Time March 24, 2004 at 12:57 am

so was you vote yes or no?  πŸ™‚

yeah, my sister Keren said i should grow it out long.  So i am half attempting to do that now.  IT is like 4 inches long on the sides, and 3 inches on the top and thin.  it’s bad.  I dont think i can bare to let it grow any longer, i think it makes it look worse the longer it is.