
Adrienne rocks my face off

2 April, 2004 (02:43) | News

The girl never ceases to amaze me.  She, once again, brought a finger eleven show to me.  They are coming to x-fest.  and so is switchfoot.  many more to be announced.  i bought 4 tickets.  so i will see them there and rolling rock town fair.  matchbook romance is coming to Mr smalls too.  lots of great shows coming up, i am going to add them all to the calendar here.  thanks adrienne!!



Comment from adidas7340
Time April 4, 2004 at 12:01 am

That’s right!! And don’t you ever forget it! If ever  you doubt, for just a second, that I DON’T rock your face off, just remember all the times I have looked out for you!! LOL You are one of my very best friends and after all you’ve done for me, including taking care of me after a very eventful birthday, it’s the least  I can do to start paying you back!! Josh Hall, you rock my face off!! and don’t you ever forget it!!

Comment from adidas7340
Time April 4, 2004 at 12:01 am

That’s right!! And don’t you ever forget it! If ever  you doubt, for just a second, that I DON’T rock your face off, just remember all the times I have looked out for you!! LOL You are one of my very best friends and after all you’ve done for me, including taking care of me after a very eventful birthday, it’s the least  I can do to start paying you back!! Josh Hall, you rock my face off!! and don’t you ever forget it!!