Personal Update

mundane monday

6 April, 2004 (01:24) | Personal Update

so i went home to eat with the family today.  good times, J’aime was in, chris’ dad, Rabe was in, keren and deirdre had softball, but they came later.  I havent been home for a while, and it was good to see everyone again.  Keren had 2 of my shirts, that i completely forgot about, and i am so stoked to have back in my possession.  they are as tight as can be, but when has that ever stopped me?  i just got to get rid of my man boobs.  but still, i felt like i got free shirts tonight.  plus, i jacked a car til thursday.  🙂

so i had to get home to get my guitar for cornerstone this week.  kinda nervous, havent played in a while.  and i dont know the songs.  we will see how it goes.

room is still a disaster.  this week i have to clean it. 

i had other crap i wanted to put up here, but i cant think right now.  dragon players just submitted 3 bugs to me, that are pretty big, so i gotta work those out. 

Chris reminded me it was Kurt Cobain’s death anniversary today.  Anyone remember that?  i didnt think so.  All you right handers would never even think of a lefty.  Infact, i bet you all had him killed.  or maybe it was the guitar manufacturer mafia, they thought they would have to actually produce left handed guitars, and have to sell them at reasonable rates if he became too successful.  it’s all a giant conspiracy i tell ya.  that, or it was courtney love. [shudder]

I missed this last week.  Apparently Bush gave some speech, and a kid started falling asleep in the background.  you have to have be able to watch real media files to see these.  David Letterman got flak from CNN for showing it.  With out further delay, here is Bush stimulating the minds of our youth.


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