
WOOOO HOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

13 May, 2004 (15:04) | News

Josh –

For Mike Doughty, Pittsburgh, May 18:

We’ll put your name on the guest list. You may bring one guest with you as well; guest list gets you into the show, so you won’t need a separate ticket; you’ll also have backstage access.

Go on backstage to say hi to Mike at 7:30; he’ll give you the email list to take around, and you can chat for a while. At 8:00, half an hour before he goes on stage, please let Mike get ready to play and head on out to the crowd and start signing folks up.

After his set, Mike will come back out and sell CDs; keep signing people up then, and give the list back to Mike at the end of the evening.

Let us know if you have any questions.



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