Personal Update

hop hop hop

29 June, 2004 (20:30) | Personal Update

well, got Dan’s car transferred over to my name today.  Geico gave me a great deal on insurance.  I have been using the “i got some good news…i just saved a load of money by switching to Geico” gag all week.  It will never get old.  Never.  Afterward, i went theatre hopping solo.  Chronicles of Riddick…lame.  Terminal…lame at first, unbelievable how he picks up english over night, and a construction crew hires him out of the blue, but I will confess Hanks wasnt as bad as i thought he would be in the role.  still a crappy movie though.  White Girls, i had high expections from the wayans.  I dont think i have seen a movie from/with them that i didnt laugh at, until now.  Completely terrible.  They are the ugliest white chicks ever.  Terrible story line, not a single funny moment.  Dogdeball was good.  chuck norris, david hasselhoff, that hot blonde from Hey dude and the brady bunch, you cant go wrong.  Except for ben stiller, that movie was great.  Am i the only one tired of seeing his whiney characters?  i am so sick of him.  after that, got home to see the dragon game went from 450 players to almost 700.  thanks to GeniusTwin for pulling a few strings and getting it promoted.  Now i have to go code for the game.  Two other coders are starting to contribute now.  Really glad to have them around.  So now i got a car for no apparent reason, i just need to get one of the jobs!  i hate that this is being drawn out so long.


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