| this user’s mind is idle |
I went home for keren’s graduation and brought deirdre back up with me on thursday. took her to ultimate frisbee with the cornerstone crew, then off to the midnight openning of harry potter with her. she hung out my place all day friday while i was at work, and then we just hung out friday night and went home saturday. hung out there, then out to eat with dan and jaime, saw the day after tomaro, then ended up staying over jaime and dans and going to kev and drew’s church in the morning with them. so the past few days had been full of activities. i really enjoyed that. got me out of my apartment and my mind.
mellon interview tomorrow at 2. wish me luck. i really hope it works out.
just trying to keep my mind under control and feet on the ground for a while. too much going on to mess up now. and, to quote something from church today, “I am too busy NOT to pray today.” I like that. Consider that your quote of the moment, thought for today, and thing in closing.