Personal Update

all work and no play makes josh a dull boy

12 July, 2004 (02:48) | Personal Update

so, Thursday was a great day, got the call back from mellon, played some frisbee, and saw fahrenheit 911.  1 bad thing happenned though; I forgot that it was J’aime’s birthday.  Deirdre and my mom had reminded me throughout the week, and i had even talked to her tuesday.  I just got caught up in myself thursday.  Friday i made i tried to make it up to her by offering volunteering with the painting and other stuff her and Dan are doing around their house.  We didnt do anything contructive but go to lowe’s, but i talked with jame for a while about all kinds of stuff.  it was good.  I dont talk to her enough.

philly didnt work out this weekend:(  all 3 of my sisters had a valid reason they couldnt go out to see serah, and once serah found out about it (surprisingly, she found out about it on this site…since when does serah come to my website?!??) she said she may have been busy anyway, and we wanted to surprise her.  oh well.  it all worked out.   saturday I was blessed with a passing inspection of the car.  Craziness.  so i officially have my first, legal, all mine, car.  this is the summer of cars.  serah is getting one too, and keren just got a relient.  we cleaned it saturday.  i see her taking too many joy rides with friends.

sunday at 7pm, i went to beaver valley mall to install new cash registers at old navy for IBM.  we got done at 2 am.  it was pretty cool to see how they work and such.  plus it is money in my pocket.  monday, i am doing the same thing at Gap down at the waterfront.  only that one starts at 10pm.  I have always wanted a job where i have access that no one else has access to.  like, i wanted to be one of the guys who rolled out the tarp over the baseball field at three rivers, or one of the guys that converted the stadium between a football and baseball stadium.  just to be down on the field, and walk the hallways that no one else gets to.  I passed out posters for boyscouts one game.  We got to walk around the halls, and go in a locker room.  I love knowing that i am seeing something rare.  Rare things these days are…well…rare:)  Tuesday, i am installing software at a highschool all day too.  this past week has been really good to me.

so i am busy working for a few days, trying to catch sleep somewhere in there.  maybe a meal or two.  I need the money.  I like the work.  i havent left a cool link for a while, here is a cool popup tester for geeks, and if you are looking for something a little less geeky, how about 1D tetris?


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Comment from jwoair23
Time July 12, 2004 at 6:25 pm

I challenge anyone to a game of 1d tetris…I will win!

Comment from jwoair23
Time July 12, 2004 at 6:25 pm

I challenge anyone to a game of 1d tetris…I will win!

Comment from Runering
Time August 24, 2004 at 5:51 pm

i cant believe someone stayed on that game long enough to rack up that huge score on the high scores list, i quit after like 3 seconds

Comment from Runering
Time August 24, 2004 at 5:51 pm

i cant believe someone stayed on that game long enough to rack up that huge score on the high scores list, i quit after like 3 seconds