Personal Update

still kicking

19 August, 2004 (06:28) | Personal Update

just letting you all know i am still kicking.  working from 4am – noon is a little rough.  It’s london’s 9-5 though, so i just have to think of it as i am a european trapped in an american’s time zone.  i end up sleeping from about 1pm-6 or 7 each night.  so getting 5-6 hours of sleep is a huge change from what i am used to.  some nights i will sleep again from 1am-3am before going to work, but that doesnt always happen.  I think it makes me more tired anyway.  They are paying me well for my lack of sleep though.

emily is moving in this saturday.  hopefully all will go smoothly.  It looks like it is just going to be the 2 of us, for the time being anyway.

alot has happenned since last i updated, and a lot to come.  keren going to school, went to kennywood with the family, trying to install dan’s old cd player in my car, got a really nice table from chris’ mom, and just a bunch of other crap.  so much more crap to come too.


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