Thoughts & Ideas

i just woke up and thought about these right away. Am i insane?

21 October, 2004 (14:19) | Thoughts & Ideas

Are people who lose limbs more prone to high blood pressure?  I would think their heart would be used to pumping a certain amount of blood, and taking a whole arm or leg out of the “loop” would definitely decrease its workload.  Or perhaps they are more energetic because their heart is pumping faster and harder?   does that mean they are also in better shape?

i find it hard to take the english language serious.  I know there are activist groups out there to change the spelling and pronounciations of words, and i am thinking about joining.  seriously.  i always find myself mispronouncing cinammon.  I end up saying synonym.  Ironic, isn’t it?


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Comment from Runering
Time October 24, 2004 at 6:00 pm

yes you are prob insane, as for the high bp for lost limbs, i reckon that there would be a high chance of that being right, but it all depends on how much blood would normally be in that limb at anyone time. when you donate blood, thats a pint gone, but your bp should stay fairly normal (possible very slight decrease) in a healthy person. thats my scientific opinion, but i’m a biochemist to be, not a physiologist/anatomist.

Comment from Runering
Time October 24, 2004 at 6:00 pm

yes you are prob insane, as for the high bp for lost limbs, i reckon that there would be a high chance of that being right, but it all depends on how much blood would normally be in that limb at anyone time. when you donate blood, thats a pint gone, but your bp should stay fairly normal (possible very slight decrease) in a healthy person. thats my scientific opinion, but i’m a biochemist to be, not a physiologist/anatomist.