Personal Update

productivity loss

16 January, 2005 (06:06) | Personal Update

bleh, working the weekend shift can get tiresome. just an hour left to go though. so since last i posted, not too much new has gone on i think. did a lot of site work on this main site and in the dragon games. put up the arcade with all kinds of retro games we all love. I’ll add tons more games as i get to it. Updated the version of phpnuke with lots of security features to stop those crazy Brazilians. some other crap too. As far as the dragon game goes, i am trying to get some of my code included into the core distribution. I have to contact aol, msn, and yahoo for permission to use their images though, and that is turning out to be a hassle. Thinking about just coming up with another idea to try to get into the distro. I’ve already got my name on source forge with the globetrotter module, but i’d really be happy to be part of the distro, since i spend so much of my time working on it anyway. It would be a good accomplishment.

I set up a Hosting module here too. those packages that are listed are just guidelines. I will match anything you can find anywhere else, even beat it. I just want some business. PLEASE PLEASE, I BEG OF YOU! LET ME HOST YOU! just email me or use the hosting form.

well, that’s all the geekery. As for what’s really going on in Josh’s head, i am not so sure i am ready to spill. still alot going on in my personal life and it’s just a lot to sort through. I’ve got a positive attitude and i have been feeling very motivated as of late. i’m trying to find <—continued—>
a “slam man” to buy on ebay or walmart. it’s the punching buy that lights up where you are supposed to hit him. I hear boxing is one of the best ways to get in shaped muscle wise and shape wise. plus it should be fun. keep your eyes out for me.

I also signed back up for a class this semester. organizational communication, meets 4 Saturdays during the semester. hopefully i will be able to get through it just fine.

I gave up on the London idea for now. just not the right timing. too much going on, and plus i really like my job now. Can’t really say that too loud, my boss reads this stupid site sometimes. 🙂


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