Personal Update

Mini break!

2 March, 2005 (12:19) | Personal Update

woohoo!! no work thursday, friday or monday! took some time off to spend with the family. thursday i’ll go pick up keren from Bethany, then go back home for Deirdre’s play, then friday go apartment shopping with becky, maybe go to deirdre’s play again friday, or go over to adam’s to jam, or just stay home and read. saturday will be time to hang out with the sisters. Serah is bringing mike in, and she wants to bring him in to the city, so maybe i will be involved in that, since i live here and all. maybe kick out another recording this weekend. hopefully get some studying done to take my test for my only class this semester. i know this weekend is going to fly, especially since my sisters are going to be home, but i am going to try to get everything done that i need to get done. and the weather doesnt look like she wants to play fair.

i started paying back my school loans since i am only taking one class this semester. one payment was due march 1st, and i sent it out monday….if i get some kind of late fee or something, prepare for a rant on 2 things. 1, effing school system and loans. 2, february and it’s 28 days in a month crap.

looks like jordan owen is interested in moving in with me once emily moves out. em is going to paris for the summer, so i gotta get someone else in here. she also said she doesnt want to be here in the fall either. it sucks, i tried to make everything nice and easy for her. She’s a free person though, and if living some where else is what she wants, i have no role in that. i just hope i am not a sucky roomate.

back to vacation days, i got 2 weeks solid off in july/august to go to yankanuck and stuff, and i still got 2 more weeks to spend somewhere. probably use a few of those around the holidays, but i got enough time to take a good road trip somewhere. i am excited!


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