Personal Update

school infinitum

19 May, 2005 (09:59) | Personal Update

Well, I got into Robert Morris, classes start next tuesday. Still gotta register though, i’ll do that tomorrow. Hopefully i’ll be able to do well and speed this up and finish by end of next summer.

As far as work goes, they moved one guy on my shift to the earlier shift, and the guy he switched with is supposed to be leaving soon, and there are not plans to replace him. With him and another worker out this week, it’s been suckage at work. Too busy to do anything productive in the personal realm, and they blocked from the corporate firewall, so i don’t work on the game either. I feel a sense of fear and yet, completion for that. The site keeps me up when i am tired though, keeps my mind active, so it’s their loss. still got though πŸ˜‰

I’ve also had a strong urge to dive into the realestate market. Here are a list of the houses around me. all are within 5 blocks from my apartment. i’m looking at 5, 6, or 7. there’s also another one not on there that i like. I figure, if i got 2 other people to move in, and charge them rent, i could almost be making money even with the loan. My lease is up in august, so i’ll wait to see how things go.

and as far as the estate, looks like Robbie is just about out. Rumors of some foreign trip with her girls on my dad’s life insurance money too. As far as i can tell, no financial support has been given to the estate, us, or my grandmother. And that is all i want to say on that matter.

On the bright side of the estate though, a local cop that was friends with my dad said that the township may be interested in helping out with the park. putting in a track and cutting the grass, the whole jazz. i almost cried when i heard that. that is EXACTLY what we want. once we get to the point of dealing with that, i want to do all i can to make that work out.


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Comment from jwoair23
Time May 19, 2005 at 12:29 pm

lol what I am moving in and you are going to move out on me in a couple months! πŸ˜›

Comment from jwoair23
Time May 19, 2005 at 12:29 pm

lol what I am moving in and you are going to move out on me in a couple months! πŸ˜›

Comment from Runering
Time May 21, 2005 at 9:49 pm

silver lining?

Comment from Runering
Time May 21, 2005 at 9:49 pm

silver lining?