Personal Update

speed of life

25 May, 2005 (05:37) | Personal Update

So one of those houses that i was looking at has water damage, and the bank might foreclose on it, which means I could get it on the cheap. I have a realtor looking into it for me. I’m in the mood for a life altering decision. Jordan (who is probably reading this) freaked out when i mentioned the house since he moves in my apartment this saturday, but i told him if i get the house, he’d definitely still have a place, possibly cheaper, possibly better, and possibly with a garage. My lease is up in august, so if i got it that would give me just about enough time to fix up so i can move in. So dealing with that has taken up a lot of time this week, trying to get it before it forecloses. I was supposed to see it monday night, but the realtor completely dropped the ball and couldnt find the keys, and called me back at 10:30 at night to tell me. so i got my own realtor.

school started last night too, and it looks like i am going to be busy. public speaking class tuesdays from 5:30-7:30, speech every week, outline for the speeches due every friday, and 2 papers in the class. I’m also in an online class about literature, so lots of reading to do. they are both only 8 week courses, so it’s going to be a lot of work in a short time. so that’ll keep me away from life for a while.

a week after classes are done, it’s time to go to canada for a week! with the whole family. should be sweet. i took the week after off work as well, and i plan to cruise the east coast stopping in DC, williamsburg, wilmington, and charlotte. should be a nice road trip. gotta survive until then. rock on and cross your fingers for me about this house.


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Comment from jwoair23
Time May 25, 2005 at 12:27 pm

which house was it?

Comment from jwoair23
Time May 25, 2005 at 12:27 pm

which house was it?

Comment from sixf00t4
Time May 26, 2005 at 5:52 am

525 arthur.

Comment from sixf00t4
Time May 26, 2005 at 5:52 am

525 arthur.

Comment from jwoair23
Time May 26, 2005 at 11:33 am

cool thats a nice looking one

Comment from jwoair23
Time May 26, 2005 at 11:33 am

cool thats a nice looking one

Comment from Runering
Time May 26, 2005 at 4:57 pm

me and my flat mates are currently looking for a new flat for next year, cause the rent on this one now has been jacked up a crapload… its not easy and its not fun finding a new place especially when you only got a week left in the country you are looking in and your flatmates have already left the city for the summer!

Comment from Runering
Time May 26, 2005 at 4:57 pm

me and my flat mates are currently looking for a new flat for next year, cause the rent on this one now has been jacked up a crapload… its not easy and its not fun finding a new place especially when you only got a week left in the country you are looking in and your flatmates have already left the city for the summer!