| that girl is poison |
ugh, kinda in a bad mood. I officially hate my public speaking class. It’s way too intense and the guidlines are to strict. My incompetence doesn’t help much with that either.
I’ve got poison ivy from working at the estate this weekend too. kinda draining. We did make good progress on the yard though, mike was going with a chainsaw cuz i am too much of a pansy to trust myself with one. There is still an unfathomable amount of work to do though.
speaking of poison ivy, my heart was broken yesterday when i found out Alicia Silverstone got married last week to some rocker. How cliche. So leanne and Alicia are off the list, now i’m down to mandy moore. She’s been out of the spotlight for a while, so i might be able to use that to my advantage. I might try and get her an address and send her a nice letter…and a vile of my blood…
no new word on the house at all. waiting games suck. Might have an interview for the London job this week as well. 2 more weeks of classes. and 3 weeks until my 2 week vacation to canada and around the east coast. fun fun fun.

Comment from Runering
Time June 30, 2005 at 6:09 pm
guildlines, pah, they’re like rules, made to be bent and on occasion broken. and who is this Mandy Moore lass you are fantasising about, i’ll have to google her and see, but may i recommend against sending the vile of blood, unless of course she’s got some kind of vampire fetish.
Comment from Runering
Time June 30, 2005 at 6:15 pm
i’ll give you some credit, she ain’t too bad looking, quite easy on the old eyes. her list of filmage is most unimpressive (thus why i had no idea who she was), but she’s probably outta your league, unless she digs the shiny head, but you can always dream…
Comment from Runering
Time June 30, 2005 at 6:15 pm
i’ll give you some credit, she ain’t too bad looking, quite easy on the old eyes. her list of filmage is most unimpressive (thus why i had no idea who she was), but she’s probably outta your league, unless she digs the shiny head, but you can always dream…
Comment from Runering
Time June 30, 2005 at 6:09 pm
guildlines, pah, they’re like rules, made to be bent and on occasion broken. and who is this Mandy Moore lass you are fantasising about, i’ll have to google her and see, but may i recommend against sending the vile of blood, unless of course she’s got some kind of vampire fetish.