Thoughts & Ideas

the past’s weather.

1 June, 2005 (10:30) | Thoughts & Ideas

you should be able to look at weather archives. Like, there was a storm down in houston a few hours ago, and i looked at the images and the storm took up half the state, it was impressive. so a few hours later i wanted to show my friend, and i couldn’t because the images were all current.

maybe it would be that useful, but sometimes people would use it. if you came back from vacation and forgot what the weather was on a tuesday to figure out which day you went to disneyworld…or if someone you knew was flying out of a city, and you wanted to see what the weather was like when they took off because their flight was late…or someone got in a hit and run and got caught a month later, and the driver said it was raining, so you would have to verify it. I dunno, just trying to think of applications. I think there should atleast be SOME data for the previous weather.


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Comment from Runering
Time June 1, 2005 at 5:53 pm

the whole weather during an accident on a day a few weeks ago thing might be useful, but the others you suggest are fairly poopie. the past weather should be keep in the past

Comment from Runering
Time June 1, 2005 at 5:53 pm

the whole weather during an accident on a day a few weeks ago thing might be useful, but the others you suggest are fairly poopie. the past weather should be keep in the past

Comment from jwoair23
Time June 2, 2005 at 2:00 am

Well someone must have thought it was a great idea because it exists! 🙂

It says its the worlds largest archive of climate data, I think this is an example:

Comment from jwoair23
Time June 2, 2005 at 2:00 am

Well someone must have thought it was a great idea because it exists! 🙂

It says its the worlds largest archive of climate data, I think this is an example:

Comment from Runering
Time June 2, 2005 at 5:11 pm

it probably has some sort of meteorlogical use to someone, probably alcoholic students who study meteorology… not me by the way, i might drunk a lot of the time, but i don’t do meteorlogy

Comment from Runering
Time June 2, 2005 at 5:11 pm

it probably has some sort of meteorlogical use to someone, probably alcoholic students who study meteorology… not me by the way, i might drunk a lot of the time, but i don’t do meteorlogy

Comment from Idaila
Time June 15, 2005 at 10:38 am

I think that would be a great help to people like Travel and Insurance Agents.

My mom was an insurance agent and kept a calendar of what the weather was like for times when people would come in and say…”We had wind damage from that storm a month ago…”. She needed a specific date and she could usually find it by looking at that calendar. If they haven’t already, someone should definitely come up with an application that will do that for us.

Comment from Idaila
Time June 15, 2005 at 10:38 am

I think that would be a great help to people like Travel and Insurance Agents.

My mom was an insurance agent and kept a calendar of what the weather was like for times when people would come in and say…”We had wind damage from that storm a month ago…”. She needed a specific date and she could usually find it by looking at that calendar. If they haven’t already, someone should definitely come up with an application that will do that for us.