
nothing says teacher’s pet like this

12 July, 2005 (07:26) | Ramblings

so we have this special occasion speech (SOS) tonight, and we had to submit an outline for it. There were no examples for it in the syllabus, no examples in the SOS section on the webpage, and no criteria listed anywhere for it. She was saying last week that it was a very easy one, and it’s only 3-4 minutes. So i basically submitted an outline along those lines of simplicity. She suggested things like wedding toasts, so i thought i would do a mock one for my sister. So i submitted something like:

I Serah and me as kids
II What I first thought of Mike
III How I think the two of them will get along in the future.

this is what i got back:

“What is this, a joke? Why would you even submit this? It clearly does not meet any of the assignment’s criteria. I hope you take the delivery of your speech much more seriously.”

Can you believe this?!?! I seriously want to report her. how the crap is that supposed to help me in any way? she gives me no constructive criticism, not telling me anything about where i went wrong, and it’s down right offensive.

So, i wrote back:

“Ouch. You’re being very harsh. There is no example for this outline anywhere. There is no outline section under speech 5. There is nothing about the requirement for the SOS outline in the syllabus. I have never done an outline for a SOS before. I can’t meet criteria if I don’t know what they are and I don’t understand them. I thought it was a simple assigment and did the best that I could think of given the simplicity of the speech. Perhaps that is where I err. So, I apologize if my efforts were offensive to you, and I feel quite insignificant for you thinking it was some sort of a joke. I guess the only joke here is me, as a student.”

the fact that her appearance and personality remind me of an X girl friend do not help either. I can’t stand her now.


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Comment from Runering
Time July 12, 2005 at 5:35 pm

meh… why are you going to these crappy classes? my advice when having to speak, just make sure you sound like you now what you are on about even if you are just spoofing. think about what the situation dictates and adjust yourself accordingly, easy…

Comment from Runering
Time July 12, 2005 at 5:35 pm

meh… why are you going to these crappy classes? my advice when having to speak, just make sure you sound like you now what you are on about even if you are just spoofing. think about what the situation dictates and adjust yourself accordingly, easy…

Comment from Bartokk
Time August 6, 2005 at 4:56 am

Perhaps this witch should be reminded she gets paid to teach and start doing so, as for the ex girlfriend thing see a doctor

Comment from Bartokk
Time August 6, 2005 at 4:56 am

Perhaps this witch should be reminded she gets paid to teach and start doing so, as for the ex girlfriend thing see a doctor