
Cardigans have been back together!

27 August, 2005 (19:20) | News

Just found out that the cardigans reformed, a couple years ago! They didnt stay broken up for long, but apparently nothing they have done has come across the pond, atleast not much. I’m stoked.


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Comment from Runering
Time August 27, 2005 at 8:13 pm

they might not have been broken up for long, but they’ve been barely noticeable for the last few years. hopefully they’ll get their act together and get some good tune-age out for us.

Comment from Runering
Time August 27, 2005 at 8:13 pm

they might not have been broken up for long, but they’ve been barely noticeable for the last few years. hopefully they’ll get their act together and get some good tune-age out for us.