| Inertiatic ESP |
got the call from walmart saturday and so i went and picked up my 2 60gb playstations. probably post them on ebay this thursday, just in time for some last minute christmas rushers.
I’m slacking on the 1 online class i have…the crappy thing is, not a single grade has been posted, so i have NO idea how i am doing in the class which isnt exactly motivation to try harder, you know? bleh. i don’t think i’ll take classes in the spring. at least not the first half of the semester. I have a few project management classes within work in jan and feb, so i’ll rationalize that as my excuse. Assuming i pass this class, i’ll have 24 credits or 6 classes left. 1 is an open elective, where i have the option to test out of something. Maybe i’ll make that my goal for spring semester too…I’m going to have to pay out of my pocket ~2k to finish in fall 2007, but i think it’ll be worth it than delaying it any further. hopefully i won’t screw myself with having classes not be available downtown, or at all….
why is my room in a perpetual state of dissarray? I don’t even sleep in it anymore, i sleep in the guest room…
family is going to italy in may for a week since keren will be there all spring and they’ll bring keren back with them…i’m tempted to go, but that’s going to be at least $2k…I think i’ll wait for some job certainty before i make any crazy decisions.