Memorable Quotes

You’re so pretty.

22 January, 2007 (01:30) | Memorable Quotes

“…I’m looking at you
and I just….your face is so
beautiful I just wanna smash it,
just smash it with a sledgehammer
and squeeze it…you’re so pretty.”

– Barry (Adam Sandler) in Punch Drunk Love.


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Comment from Zotz
Time January 23, 2007 at 5:38 pm

I have never seen the movie, so I have no context for that quote, but it always just seemed senselessly violent and a bit juvenile. Like bad prose written by a troubled fourteen year old.

Warmest Regards – Zotzs

PS…I’m sure everyone would agree, we need an update on the foot!

Comment from Zotz
Time January 23, 2007 at 5:38 pm

I have never seen the movie, so I have no context for that quote, but it always just seemed senselessly violent and a bit juvenile. Like bad prose written by a troubled fourteen year old.

Warmest Regards – Zotzs

PS…I’m sure everyone would agree, we need an update on the foot!