
the english language is ridiculous

30 April, 2007 (02:11) | Ramblings

i was reading the lord of the flies this weekend, and came upon a sentence that struck me as awkward as it started out.  "Here there were waves that beat against the sandy shore."  Awkward, because of the first three words.  Here.  There.  Were.  3 words, that look aesthetically the same, but phonetically are completely different.  That’s just stupid.  At least "we’re" wasn’t included somewhere in there.  I swear that the english language causes 10% of suicides directly or indirectly.  It’s just such a time consuming thing, and no one will ever master it completely, I think, at least, not by the english langauage alone.  You’d have to master the root languages of Latin and the like.  Inconsistencies are ubiquitous in the english language, and i want no part of it anymore.


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