![]() | another visit to the land of the dead |
wow. I think i see a trend going on here. i woke up at almost 4:15am from this dream. I had gone to bed about 4 am last night and slept until 5:30, and went to bed around 1am. I’ll have to start recording the times and such of these dreams. I’m going to leave out a few details to keep the authenticity of the dream; ie there were a few people in the dream that shouldn’t have been, but they weren’t family and they were distracting from the plot. for reference sake though, I punched andrew bonnell in the face for giving me his AOL screenname so that I could contact him when i woke up. but wow, i just realized something…I’ll come back to this after i tell the dream…
So deirdre and I are driving around in a truck of sorts, and we drive by a store called SEKI and they only sell pepsi products. not important at all, but I’m leaving it in there because it’s weird. anyway, we were talking, she gets out, next thing i know is i’m in the estate driveway facing the road in a tractor pulling a cart, I loop to the right in the yard and come back around to drive behind the house and i look to the right where there is a lone pine tree and Dante is tied to it barking. I park the tractor and run over to pet him and play around with him. Someone else comes over, a young guy, I recognize him, but now that i woke up i can’t remember who he is. But seeing him and dante confirmed to me that this was a dream, and I am visiting the dead. I said, "so this is really afterlife i’m visiting, isn’t it?" and he just looked like he wasn’t allowed to confirm that to me. Then I let Dante off the chain and walk inside the house with him up to the top left bedroom where there is a large bed in it’s normal spot and serah and J’aime are there. This is where we’re talking with some guy and we get on the conversation of being able to talk to everyone there when I wake up. He says that he has AOL IM and that if I sent him a message, he’d respond. And so I’m l said, "well, i need to know your screenname" and i was feeling stressed to get this information before I woke up. And he said something like "oh well, you just message me and you’ll be good" and when he said that, I knew he was lying to me about having messenger at all. this is where he is now andrew bonnell and i punch him in the face and yell at him for not being legit with me on an important topic and wasting my time. j’aime and serah cool things down and we talk a little more about how this place is the afterlife. We know that my dad is outside working on something.
Then I realize with nervous excitement, "Guys, this means that Barney (my grandfather) is probably out in the barn…do you want to go see him??" J’aime seemed more excited than serah, but we decide we’ll go. So we are walking downstairs talking about what he’ll be like and I start to get blurry vision, like i’m about to wake up, but i consciously force myself back to sleep. When we turn the corner into the dining room, dante had followed us, and I note to serah how great it is to see dante. I can actuall feel him. I said how firm he feels and how short his hair is, just as I remember him. I don’t know how to express how real this dream is besides that. we are going to walk out the addition door, and when we get in the addition, it’s been worked on. There’s a lot of work to be done, but all the walls are finished and there’s a stairway down to the basement. I can see through it that there’s a light on downstairs, and I get the feeling that someone is down there…but I don’t find out…I fear that it was (grandmother’s mother? aunt? i forget), who hung herself in the basement. Anyway, it’s obvious that my dad had been working on the place. We go out on the deck and can see my dad over in the park working. I ask Serah and J’aime if they want to spend anytime with him. J’aime just looks at Serah as if it’s up to her and Serah says that she’d rather not. So we walk down and I yell for my dad, thinking that he should introduce us, but Serah shows resistance, so I yell back nevermind. It’s funny how common place it seems that we’re there. Anyway, I step into the barn, and I am definitely a little scared as to what I’ll find, the lights are all on, the pocket door to the main area is shut and i loudly say, "Hello?" Then I hear some feet on the gravel outside, and I turn and catch a glimpse of him before he turns quickly away out of shock and says, "Oh my goodness, Josh?!" as if he’s embarrassed. He turns back around, big smile on his face, and kind of chuckles out of disbelief that we’re there. He looks a lot like the pictures of him being old, grey hair and kinda fat. He’s sweating and dirty like he’s been working, has a white baseball hat on that he takes off to meet us and he’s wearing some reddish over alls. So we just start talking about how he looks alot like i thought he would, and how i always thought he looked so much different in pictures of him old vs him young. My dad comes over as we talk by the stone wall infront of the barn. Then, my dad’s friend Bruce shows up there too, and we’re talking as if he knows about visiting here all the time too. Then i mention to Barney about how it seems that all hall men die around their 50s, and that uncle kenny and I were trying to remember how everyone had died. He told me as far back as his grandfather that all died around then. I don’t remember the reasons why. I then asked him if there were any women, and he said there was one, and he goes to get like a genealogy book, but I never get to see it before I wake up.
So, the thing i just realized…I had just emailed serah today asking if she had any memories of caleb being normal, because I do not. I wonder if i’m unable to dream about caleb being normal because I don’t have those visions in my head, so i replace him with other people that are around his age, like the guy outside with dante and andrew bonnell. Then i remember from the movie "What dreams may come" that cuba gooding Jr was a doctor in robin william’s life, but he’s really his son. And I’ll admit, that I have thought of andrew bonnell as a relationship i’d have with caleb. Not that andrew and I even talk, but just that he’s around the same age and we get along pretty well. With that, it’s an easier fit that Caleb is in these dreams too, and I did have the sense that he was always there, but as i reflect back, i can’t remember him being there.
I have such an urge to email serah and J’aime and see what they dreamed about last night, but I’m a little more rational than to think they had the same dream. Wouldn’t that be messed up?

Comment from jaimerairigh
Time October 29, 2007 at 8:39 am
No, I didn’t dream about Daddy or anything about the estate last night, but I have had a couple dreams about Daddy in the past month. I LOVE them and LOVE reading about your dreams about them too. In my dreams I know I’m dreaming, but, like you, I keep myself dreaming to enjoy the time with him. They are almost always positive.
Comment from leuco
Time October 29, 2007 at 9:32 pm
And I thought the black truck and drawings were nostalgic…..
Comment from leuco
Time October 29, 2007 at 9:32 pm
And I thought the black truck and drawings were nostalgic…..
Comment from jaimerairigh
Time October 29, 2007 at 8:39 am
No, I didn’t dream about Daddy or anything about the estate last night, but I have had a couple dreams about Daddy in the past month. I LOVE them and LOVE reading about your dreams about them too. In my dreams I know I’m dreaming, but, like you, I keep myself dreaming to enjoy the time with him. They are almost always positive.