House Ideas

hanging gardens

7 January, 2008 (14:33) | House Ideas

I’m a fan of large landscaping.  I just went to Phipps conservatory and there are these huge leaved palm trees that are about 7 feet high and they’re totally awesome.  I’m not sure on whether i want the the house to be tucked away secretly in the woods or just have a big clearing in the woods for the house.  I don’t think the palm trees would fit in well if they were right next to a big pine tree.  I also like ivy walls, or some sort of ivy crawling unevenly along the exterior walls.  One idea I have with the glass circular entryway is to make it a glass crescent foyer/green house, and I could put all kinds of different plants like the palm trees in there.  It will be more expensive since there will be a lot more glass and such, but it might work out better aesthetically and maybe even energy efficient.  I’ll have to wait until it’s time to design it to decide the best route I guess.

I also want the roof to be completely green, either with just turf or gardens.  One of my complaints with my life right now is that grocery shopping is very inconvenient for me so I only go once a month.  The fresh fruit and vegies I get have to be eaten in that first week or so, and it’s hard to do that as a single man.  I would love to have a huge garden that I could just go up and pick a pepper or something for eggs in the morning.  Having the garden on the roof would keep some insects and small animals from eating from the garden as well as earning green building credits.