Thoughts & Ideas

My words are wasted on you.

28 March, 2008 (15:53) | Thoughts & Ideas

I’ve been sending a lot of emails recently.  A lot of them to high profile people, and I have been taking time to review my wording, tone,  and content.  Holy Fluff.  I’ve caught myself saying "check and see"  when that can sure be consolidated.  I’ve deleted HUNDREDS of "that"s out of my sentences.  I’ve given positive spins, harsh spins, optimistic spins, formal and informal, and my efforts have actually been noticed.  Not noticed as in, "Wow, you’ve never sent an email like this before", noticed as in, "Hey this Josh character really knows how to word things!"  It’s weird how much subliminal importance words play.  You can say 1 thing in so many different ways.  It’s like how eskimos have 100+ words for "snow."  Sure, everyone who doesn’t live in Alaska can get by without using all those words, but could we have more meaningful conversations if we all knew the perfect word for what we want to say?  I think so.


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Comment from leuco
Time March 29, 2008 at 4:14 pm

Well said!! Makes an English teacher mother proud!! You always were a good writer.

Comment from leuco
Time March 29, 2008 at 4:14 pm

Well said!! Makes an English teacher mother proud!! You always were a good writer.