
Did you forget to take your meds?

27 April, 2008 (13:25) | Ramblings

heh, so I have been wanting to try some vitamin supplements for a while now, just to see if they help with energy/metabolism.  Get some vitamin b12 in me and see what happens, ya know?  So i go to my local wally world and start looking around at the bottles, and I find the one-a-day bottles, pretty well known brand name, right?  they say they help with energy and stuff, so i get them.  I took them for the past week…not really feeling any different at all…then I noticed today…"For age 50+" written on the bottle.  DOH  No wonder I’ve been a grumpy old bast….person, i’m taking the pills of one!  Placebo affect or not, that’s what I’m blaming it on.  So, anyone know any 50+ year olds that want some pills?  …some more pills?



Comment from leuco
Time May 3, 2008 at 12:52 pm

Send ’em on down.

Comment from leuco
Time May 3, 2008 at 12:52 pm

Send ’em on down.