
Some witty line about having 5 wisdom teeth removed

25 June, 2008 (13:44) | Ramblings

this was a stupid idea.  I was totally fine thursday, friday, saturday, and sunday.  I’m swollen and can’t eat anything.  i ran 5 miles friday, hung drywall saturday, and played soccer sunday.  Now i can’t get out of bed.  isn’t this reversed?  the doc said he expected my 5th day would be the worse when i made a special visit to him yesterday because i was in so much despair.  he said that he had to remove a lot of bone last thursday.  that can’t be good.  now i think a hole opened up from my top teeth into my sinuses.  my tongue is going numb.  this is ballz.  i want to not do this anymore.  my kids are getting this done when they’re 12.