| Dreams of Californication |
Alright, first things first. I ran my first ever 5k on Saturday. I finished in pretty much 30 minutes flat. I crossed the line at ~30:09 and I was in the back of the starting line, so take some time to cross the line. It was on mount washington’s grandview drive, and then part of that hill that connects it to the liberty tunnel, so there were some crazy hills that i was not prepared for. I definitely walked some of those hills. I also ran 6 miles in an hour last thursday, so I’m feeling a little less worried about Urbanathlon. My goal was just to finish it without being last, but if i keep going like this, i might actually be able to build a goal time and work on shaving time off of that. I know the stairs are going to kill me, so i might start practicing on the 44 stories of the office building. Wish me luck!
Now, as some of you may be in the loop, i’ve encountered a wonderful lady friend. Ask me someday about how we met and i’ll tell you the story in person. Anyway, we’ve had nothing but fun in the past month or so. We’ve got a lot to learn about each other, and a lot of tough ground to cover, but I think she’s amazing. I’m flying out to the state of california this friday to meet her family and such since her brother is getting married. We’re going to go to disneyland and have a great time. I’ll report back when I get back.
Finally got my raise i was expecting at work too. I’m going to keep trying to make more than twice my age, then i can retire with my goal of making 6 figures. I’m not driven by money, i would just like to say that i made 6 figures. Work’s getting better too. I’ve got a lot of projects, so i’m keeping very busy.
Going to the warped tour with erik on tuesday. I havent been there since i was in high school I think. can’t say that i’m excited to spend my day off there, but oh well. Maybe i’ll take a book and read on the lawn. How old would that make me look? fun stuff.
Josh Hall project show coming up on august 24th…and we have yet to practice. tim is talking about staying out in philly for an extra week. I’m going to be away until the 11th, and andy has family coming in around the 15th or so and they want to take a trip that would have carried into the show, but he’ll come back for it, even though he wants to be away for as long as he can before…so basically it comes down to us MAYBE getting 1 or 2 practices together…this is going to be interesting for sure.