
Money Money Money Money – – – – Muh nay!

20 November, 2008 (15:03) | Pittsburgh

So many new announcements going on in Pittsburgh!  We just have to find out how we’re going to pay for it all.

The New Granada theatre nears it’s financing goal of $1.1M.  It’s a block from my house and it is such a sad thing to see it falling apart.  If they can get the rest of that money, it would be amazing.  http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/08317/927187-53.stm

 The David Lawrence Convention center just released plans for an $8.5 M project to connect the bike trails from point state park (affectionately known as pennisula park).  They just don’t know where the money is coming from yet… http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/08325/929364-53.stm

The Majestic Star Casino will officially be called the Rivers Casino after Don Barden lost the license and Neil Bluhm took over.  http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/08325/929355-53.stm