| I won’t be home for Christmas |
Note to self – Call off work the month of December. You will not be able to get anyone to do any work, even if they are in the office, so just avoid the frustration completely. That’s basically how I feel right now. I had my first project fail last Saturday, and now I have to finish it tomorrow, when I was supposed to be off. and when I say "have to" I mean, failure is not an option with this project. I coined a new phrase with this project, "Screw dotting my i’s and crossing my t’s, I’M JUST GOING TO WRITE IN ALL CAPS."
How about that open mic that Ben and I were supposed to play last week didn’t happen. The BBT, or Bloomfield Bridge Tavern actually had a fire back in October and they’ve been closed for repair, even though they still have shows booked on their site. Oh well. We ended going over to Jordan’s and just playing there for some friends.
Speaking of going over to Jordan’s, we had our first Beer snob Christmas party this past Tuesday. I think there were 12 of us total, all brought a case of a micro brew or import beer and we went around swapping bottles to build our own mixed case. Lots of fun. I took a mix case of Left Hand Brewing. I had an ESB at in philly and really enjoyed it, and come on, it’s a left hand. You had me at "Hello."
I’m off to Kallie’s Mom’s place near Sacremento from the 24th until the 30th. So crazy to be in a relationship where our families are across the country from one another. It’s sure fun at times, but there are certainly downsides. Not sure of any plans yet, just spending time with family in San Francisco, Palo Alto, and probably Lake Tahoe too. I’ll be sure to take lots of pictures.
Aside from that, I’ve been getting involved with a small group from Bellefield and going to the Open Door. Probably look to get baptized (finally) in the new year. Keren just got baptized last week, and it was a pretty emotional thing for sure. I’m so blessed to have such a great family and great support structure.