| Moving on up |
With every week that goes by, I get so excited to see what Pittsburgh is going to look like in 2 years, or in 5 years, or even in 10 years. There’s just so much going on, and I love to think about where my house is situated in all of it.
Point Park University is now the second largest realestate holder in the city, right after the Pittsburgh Cultural Trust. There have been tons of performance arts graduates that have gone on to Hollywood. They most recently purchased the Honus Wagner sports store to keep in line with their plans to bring down the playhouse from Forbes Avenue in Oakland to their downtown campus. They have so much going on at that school. They’re converting the YMCA to a student center, they’re planning on building a new sports arena, and multiple theatres for shows. What a site downtown will be when it’s tied all together with the market square development.
I had mentioned the New Granada renovation plan in a previous post. Shortly after that, they had 2 huge dumpsters lined up outside, lighting wired up inside, and they’re gutting the place pretty good it seems. One night they had left the lights on, and I could see inside the large room just enough to be excited about one day being able to go in there. They’ve also lined up all the financing they’ll need for the Kuhn’s super market too. I wouldn’t be surprised if we see some movement on that land in the next month or so.
Another project recently in the news was the Forbes and Fifth Avenue corridor that connects downtown and Oakland. The new Consol Energy Arena is showing a lot of progress. They have about 1/4 of the steel frames in place, and sections for the seating can be seen as well as the tubing for the glass framework side. here’s a webcam link: http://penguins.nhl.com/ext/html/webcam4.html A local family owns a lot of property all around the area, and have been making waves since they’re just using it for parking lots. they seem to be cooperating now, but they apparently have a history with the mob… http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/09032/946197-52.stm