| To where the river flows |
I had been wondering if Pittsburgh was going to find a way to fix the fountain at the Point for the G20 summit. It turns out Alcoa is stepping up to fix it. http://www.alcoa.com/global/en/news/news_detail.asp?pageID=20090825006056en&newsYear=2009 Sweet. It had been on slate to get repaired in 2010, but with the G20 coming to down, it really created a need to see the fountain this year!
2 other cool plans are coming into the Hill District too. An arist has been commissioned for 2 works, one in the hill and one for the walkway by the new Consol Energy Arena. Apparently, there was some sort of stream that used to flow in the hill that was visible in old maps, so he’ll look to tie that into his designs. http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/09243/994368-53.stm?cmpid=newspanel0