Thoughts & Ideas

Pittsburgh Postcard Company

28 August, 2009 (01:33) | Thoughts & Ideas

This is another one of those ideas that came to me in a dream.  There was a popular guy that ran this coffee shop hang out place, and I went to him all excited about an idea to help his business.  He had all this wall space that he liked to hang paintings and photos from local artists.  My idea to him was to have people be able to take digital pictures they’ve taken of the city, and print them out in his place.  The idea would be, if the photo was really good, he would offer them the opportunity to have their photo featured on a postcard and sold in the store.  So you’d have these racks on postcards all from local people basically on consignment.  It’d be a great starting place for art school students or even indie photographers to get started and make a few bucks.  It wouldn’t have to be limited to postcards, but I would think it would be the most marketable item (and the store was downtown by point state park).