Thoughts & Ideas

You take your car to work, I’ll take my board

3 April, 2010 (12:00) | Thoughts & Ideas

So Kallie and I need about 1.2 cars.  I walk to work and most places we go together.  Every once in a while though, we need to go separate ways.

I’m envisioning a car that can break in half basically.  I think there are people like us that need more than 1 car sometimes.  There would also be a market for couples in the city with 1 parking space.

I’m thinking 2 small engines, one in the front, one in the back, driving each axel independently.  When you have the “cars” together, the two engines work together.

You’d have to make the extra tires fold up or something when it’s in 1 car mode.  I don’t have any design ideas yet, but I think there’s a need, and where there is a need and some imagination, you have potential.


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Comment from jerr
Time April 4, 2010 at 12:38 am

basically if you take your idea further as drscribed, you’ll come about with two cars being the solution. unfortunately that’s not acceptable to you as an option.

the recent car-sharing implementation works as a reasonable solution. if you and four others can use a shared car for 20% of the time, you’d effectively account for your own 1.2 needs.

how about we do away with cars and make more efficient public transportation as effective as cars are. convert all our roads into people movers or something.

Comment from jerr
Time April 4, 2010 at 12:38 am

basically if you take your idea further as drscribed, you’ll come about with two cars being the solution. unfortunately that’s not acceptable to you as an option.

the recent car-sharing implementation works as a reasonable solution. if you and four others can use a shared car for 20% of the time, you’d effectively account for your own 1.2 needs.

how about we do away with cars and make more efficient public transportation as effective as cars are. convert all our roads into people movers or something.