Geeked Out

Chapstick, Chapped Lips, and Things Like Chemistry

17 December, 2010 (12:00) | Geeked Out

Do you realize how important brand names are?  Until I see how often I call items by only 1 of the specific products names, as if it were the general term.  I had created a list with friends on what they should actually be called, but some we were stumped because we were just so used to using the proper name.

sometimes, it’s just the first product to market and then others have the uphill battle of getting the market, but sometimes it’s just as simple as having a catchy name.

Here’s a list, leave a comment and I’ll add them to the list.

  1. zamboni
  2. jell-o
  3. oreo cookies
  4. walkman
  5. chapstick
  6. windex
  7. band-aid
  8. kleenex
  9. Powerpoint
  10. Saran wrap
  11. ziplock
  12. Swiffer
  13. Playdoh
  14. Xerox
  15. Drugs (tylenol, aspirin, etc)